rhino cloud cloud

Bedankt dat je van 2024 een bijzonder jaar hebt gemaakt.

Namens team TSTC wensen we je fijne feestdagen en een gezond, succesvol en leerzaam 2025.

Let op:
Ons kantoor is gesloten vanaf 20 december om 16:00 uur. Vanaf maandag 6 januari staan we weer voor je klaar.

Dringende vragen in de tussentijd mailen naar info@tstc.nl

Relevante artikelen over TSTC en de branche, geschreven en geselecteerd door onze trainers & specialisten.

ontvang nieuwsbrief

Reacties cursisten CEH vs 7 Launch maart 2011

• Course setup was excellent prepared and allowed to do a lot of excellent hands-on 

• Very nice to do a lot of hands-on – start to do the exercises by yourself 

• The automated manual attacks and alternates gives me the necessary skills and gave me the knowledge for the weakest points in an organisation 

• It was shocking to see how easy it is to hack!! 

• It gave me a good feeling of how easy it is for a hacker to attack

• Excellent course brought by 2 excellent trainers that have a very good in-depth technical knowledge and very good presentation / training skills 

• The real world experience !!!

• The extra hands-on with a focus on the back track info provided by the trainer made him a real added value to this course. Also a lot of added documentation and labs to practise after course is much appreciated! 

• Tutor very good at making me aware of hacking techniques and very nice and comfortable way of teaching 

• Hands-on demos were good and input on reallife scenarios were usefull 

• Cool dudes with a lot of knowledge and experience showing and doing a lot of hands-on stuff – BIG PLUSS!!!! 

• ATC TSTC is very good 

• The trainers had great knowledge and were very driven – they made the stuff very good to understand and mad this a very great week! 

• 2 trainers is FUN
13 jaren geleden