The Wireless LAN Administration course provides the networking professional a complete foundation of knowledge for entering into or advancing in the wireless networking industry. From basic RF theory to 802.11 frame exchange processes, this course delivers hands on training that will benefit the novice as well as the experienced network professional.
Completion of this Course and Exam PW0-100 Will gain certify you as a Certified Wireless Network Administrator
Basic networking knowledge, including OSI model and IP subnetting
5 dagen
Globale inhoud:
Introduction to 802.11 WLANs
Radio Frequency Fundamentals
RF Math and System Operating Margin
802.11 Service Sets
RF Power Output Regulations
Power over Ethernet
Wireless LAN Operation
WLAN Security
802.11 Analysis and Troubleshooting
Coordinating 802.11 Frame Transmissions
Site Surveying
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Datum | In overleg | inschrijven |
Locatie | Veenendaal | |
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