Everybody seems to be doing or being 'agile', everyone in his own way. What is it all about? Scrum is hot, XP is not, or is it? What exactly is 'agile'? Which methods and processes are there? What does agile mean in an broader organizational context? Is agile the ultimate goal or is there more?
In this workshop, we provide an overview of agile software development, from underlying values and principles to the concrete, well known practices and processes. We will show the role agile can play for developing organizations. You will experience an iterative process and a real retrospective to round up the workshop.
After participating in this workshop, you will:
- have an overview of what agile software development is about
- know the most important methods that fall under the agile umbrella
- see agile development and agile transitions in a broader context
- have experienced planning iteratively and holding a retrospective
- Introduction to agile: manifesto, values, principles
- Benefits, success stories, failure modes
- Overview of Scrum, eXtreme Programming, and Lean Software Development
- Simulation of iterative planning
- Cultural patterns of software development organizations
- Retrospective - an essential practice to establish a culture of continuous reflection and improvement.
Duur training
1 dag
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Doorgang bij minimaal 8 cursisten maximaal 12 cursisten
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