rhino cloud cloud

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Ons kantoor is gesloten vanaf 20 december om 16:00 uur. Vanaf maandag 6 januari staan we weer voor je klaar.

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Dojo Training: Introduction to the Dojo Framework for Ajax 


3 dagen

Doelstellingen Dojo Training

• Understand Dojo's feature set and API design
• Master use of Dojo Core
• Learn how to manage events in the Dojo framework
• Use the Dijit module, including built-in widgets and custom widgets
• Discover how Dojo can make remote calls to server-side applications
• Learn how to debug Dojo applications
• Master advanced features of the Dojo framework

Overzicht Dojo Training


This Dojo Training teaches attendees how to build powerful JavaScript Ajax applications using the Dojo Toolkit.




Voorkennis Dojo Training


All attendees should be experienced HTML and JavaScript developers. Prior knowledge of CSS is helpful but not required.





Hands-on/Lecture Ratio

This class is 50% hands-on, 50% lecture, with the longest lecture segments lasting for 20 minutes. 






Dojo Training Outline


• Browser Programming Model
o JavaScript Programming
o Document Object Model, DOM
o Cascading Style Sheets, CSS
o XMLHttpRequest Object, XHR
o JavaScript Object Notation, JSON 

• Overview of Dojo Base
o Namespace and Packaging
o Object Oriented Programming
o Events and Event Handling
o Working with the DOM
 Elements and NodeList
 CSS selectors with dojo.query 

• Overview of Dojo Core
o Importing with dojo.require
o Strings, JSON and RegExp
o Backbutton and dojo.back
o Drag and Drop
o Visual Effects
o iFrames and dojo.i 

• Advanced Events in Dojo
o Using publish / subscribe
o Threads and dojo.deferred 

• Dijit – Dojo Widget Module
o Declarative Programming and the Dojo Parser
o Form and Data Validation
o Layout Widgets
o Specialized Widget 

• Dijit – Customizing Widgets
o Styling Widgets
o Extending Widgets
o Building Your Own Widgets 

• Remoting in Dojo
o xhrGet and xhrPost
o Direct Web Remoting (DWR)
o Server Architecture Issues 

• Dojo on the server side
o Datastores
o Writing Data Stores
o DWR Data Stores 

• Debugging Dojo Apps
o Inspecting the DOM
o JavaScript Debugging
o JavaScript IDEs
o Dojo Logging
o Dojo Unit Testing with DOH 

• Additional Topics
o Dojo Data Grid and client side Caching
o Migrating from 3. and .4
o Security
o Comparison with YUI
o Comparison with GWT
o Projects Using Dojo
o Dojo Offline Storage 

• Conclusion




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