With this advanced network security course you can be among the few who transcend the old idea of the hacker having all the fun, take pride being the defender, form an offensive mindset to skillfully orchestrate robust and solid defenses and reinvent popular belief by beating the hacker at his own game.

You will be evaluating advanced “hacks” and methods of defense fortification bringing you closer to establishing perfect security by reviewing best practices and methodologies you can apply to secure environments, provide segmentation and isolation to reduce the effectiveness of the Advanced Persistent Threat.

The course will cover fundamental areas of fortifying your defenses; you will discover methods of developing a secure baseline and how to “harden” your enterprise architectures from the most advanced attacks. Once a strategy for a fortified perimeter is defined the course moves on to defending against the sophisticated malware that is on the rise today and the importance of “live” memory analysis and real time monitoring.

First Look Video

Wat kan ik na deze training?

  • Stage a strong defense against popular security threats
  • Fortify an organization with a good foundation of risk protection methods
  • Apply latest references and guidance on best practices in the field of cyber security
  • Secure an enterprise architecture from a medium threat level and building towards more sophisticated threats 
  • Execute a set of techniques that are critical to the protection of your entire enterprise against some of today’s most advanced threats
  • Review methods of system deployments in as secure a state as possible while supporting your daily business requirements
  • Apply necessary techniques required for malware identification throughout the enterprise even in the case of the malware not being detectable by any of your security controls
  • Stage Advanced Attacks to appreciate methods of correctly eliminating or mitigating risk to an acceptable level

Voor wie is de CAST 614 training geschikt?

Firewall administrators, system architects, system administrators, windows admin or those responsible for or interested in:

Identifying security weaknesses in computer systems or networks
Exposing weaknesses for system's owners to fix breaches before being targets of compromise
Applying hacking and pen testing constructively to defend against various possible attacks
Analysing best practices in developing secure system and network configurations
Establishing a secure baseline in deploying machines in a protected state
Appreciating popular attack methods applied by hackers in order to fortify their systems

NOTE: This is definitely not a beginner’s course; participants will be expected to possess the knowledge of attempting attacks against a variety of platforms and architectures under the supervision of an expert. 

Duur training

4 dagen (inclusief examen)

Globale inhoud

Module 1: Firewalls
Module 2: Advanced Filtering
Module 3: Firewall Configuration
Module 4: Hardening: Establishing a Secure Baseline
Module 5: Intrusion Detection and Prevention?
Module 6: Protecting Web Applications
Module 7: Memory Analysis
Module 8: Endpoint protection
Module 9: Securing Wireless 


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