This class takes participants from "noob" to "1337" in the span of 5 days. We begin the class with lower level, easy to grasp topics and then expand on those rapidly throughout the week to some very advanced concepts. Compared to a two day class at a security conference, this five day course goes deeper and expands out wider to produce better results for the student at the end of the week.
The courseware follows a logical progression from stack overflows, to SEH overwrites, to egg hunters, to heap spray, to bypassing security mechanisms such as DEP and ASLR, and finishes up with Return Oriented Programming.
For Students with a limited programming background and experience, worry not! Templates are provided for each exploit with the intent being to cut down on the raw programming time in class, and instead focusing more on the methodology and mindset that goes into writing these different exploits.
Here are some of the topics to look forward to:
- Stack Overflows (in both Linux and Windows)
- Abusing Structured Exception Handlers on Windows
- Shellcoding Tricks (Negative jumps, egghunters, fragmented shellcode)
- Browser Exploits
- PDF Exploits
- ROP Exploits
Voor wie is de Exploit Development training geschikt?
Advanced IT Security Professionals, IT Security Assessors (Penetration Testers), Application Developers, Intrusion Analysts
Gewenste voorkennis
Ethical Hacking / Penetration Testing experience
Duur training
5 dagen
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