Six Sigma Black Belt Training and Certification

Black Belt Training and Certification

“Advanced Practitioner Level” understanding of the DMAIC problem solving improvement methodology and full range of Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques to facilitate and lead change and innovation in your organisation. This course builds upon your Green Belt knowledge to cover a greater level of analytical, project implementation and change leadership. You walk away with the learning and the know-how. This means not just focus on the “what” to do but the “how” to do it, with greater emphasis on typical project barriers and “hints” and “tips” on “how” to overcome using case studies, compelling best practices and benchmarking opportunities as part of the learning experience.


Learning Outcomes

» Advanced analytical, decision-making and implementation skills to take on greater responsibility to pinpoint performance shortfalls in your organisation.
» Coach and explain Lean Six Sigma concepts to Green Belt's and other team members and advise management on prioritising, planning and launching improvement projects.
» Solve a business problem by running a project which enables you to certify at the end of the course.
Who should attend Certified Green Belt’s looking to develop in-depth knowledge, practical leadership and analytical skills to deliver business improvement results. 

Black Belt Certification Criteria 

To successfully attain Black Belt Certification you are required to attain a 70% pass mark on a group project case study assignment conducted during the course which will assess your practical understanding of the tools and techniques learned. Secondly, achieve 70% pass mark in the Black Belt final exam on the on the last day of the course. 


Green Belt Certificate either via TSTC or another bonafide training provider (evidence required) 


5 dagen inclusief examen




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