Deze training is klassikaal maar desgewenst ook Live Online bij te wonen. Je volgt de training dan live op afstand met onze eigen docent, kijkt mee met de aantekeningen op het whiteboard, doet mee met alle labs en kunt vragen stellen aan zowel de trainer als je mede-cursisten. Eigenlijk dus gewoon alsof je bij de klassikale training aanwezig bent, maar dan vanaf je eigen locatie. Mocht de training Live Online toch niet helemaal naar wens zijn geweest, dan mag je deze binnen een jaar kosteloos nogmaals klassikaal bij ons bijwonen.
Deze training biedt basiskennis en -vaardigheden over cloudservices en hoe deze geleverd kunnen worden met behulp van Microsoft Azure. AZ-900 is zeer geschikt als eerste stap wanneer je nog relatief weinig kennis hebt van cloudservices en Microsoft Azure waardoor een Azure role-based training nog te zwaar is.
Je maakt uitgebreid kennis met algemene cloud computing concepten en algemene cloud computing modellen en -services zoals Public, Private en Hybrid cloud en Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) en Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).
Verder gaan we in op enkele veelgebruikte Azure services en -oplossingen, waaronder ook belangrijke Azure-services die betrekking hebben op beveiliging, privacy en compliance. Tot slot komen de prijzen en support services aan bod die van toepassing zijn op het werken met Azure.
Wat kan ik na deze training?
- Understand the benefits of cloud computing in Azure and how it can save you time and money
- Explain concepts such as high availability, scalability, elasticity, agility, and disaster recovery
- Describe core Azure architecture components such as subscriptions, management groups and resources
- Summarize geographic distribution concepts such as Azure regions, region pairs, and availability zones
- Understand the breadth of services available in Azure including compute, network, storage, and databases
- Identify virtualization services such as Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Container Instances
- Compare Azure's database services such as Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL, Azure Database for MySQL
- Examine Azure networking resources such as Virtual Networks, VPN Gateways, and Azure ExpressRoute
- Summarize Azure storage services such Azure Blob Storage, Azure Disk Storage, and Azure File Storage
- Choose the correct Azure Artificial Intelligence service to address different kinds of business challenges.
- Choose the best software development process tools and services for a given business scenario.
- Choose the correct cloud monitoring service to address different kinds of business challenges.
- Choose the correct Azure management tool to address different kinds of technical needs and challenges.
- Choose the right serverless computing technology for your business scenario.
- Choose the best Azure IoT service for a given business scenario.
- Strengthen your security posture and protect against threats by using Azure Security Center.
- Collect and act on security data from many different sources by using Azure Sentinel.
- Manage dedicated physical servers to host your Azure VMs for Windows and Linux
- Identify the layers that make up a defense in depth strategy.
- Explain how Azure Firewall enables you to control what traffic is allowed on the network.
- Configure network security groups to filter network traffic to and from Azure resources.
- Explain how Azure DDoS Protection helps protect your Azure resources from DDoS attacks.
- Explain the difference between authentication and authorization.
- Describe how Azure Active Directory provides identity and access management.
- Explain the role single sign-on (SSO), multifactor authentication, and Conditional Access play.
- Make organizational decisions about your cloud environment by using the CAF for Azure.
- Define who can access cloud resources by using Azure role-based access control.
- Apply a resource lock to prevent accidental deletion of your Azure resources.
- Apply tags to your Azure resources to help describe their purpose.
- Control and audit how your resources are created by using Azure Policy.
- Enable governance at scale across multiple Azure subscriptions by using Azure Blueprints.
- Explain the types of compliance offerings that are available on Azure.
- Gain insight into regulatory standards and compliance on Azure.
- Explain Azure capabilities that are specific to government agencies.
- Use the Total Cost of Ownership Calculator.
- Describe the different ways you can purchase Azure products and services.
- Use the Pricing calculator to estimate the monthly cost of running your cloud workloads.
- Define the major factors that affect total cost and apply recommended practices to minimize cost.
- Describe what a service-level agreement (SLA) is and why SLAs are important.
- Identify factors, such as the service tier you choose, that can affect an SLA.
- Combine SLAs to compute a composite SLA.
- Describe the service lifecycle in Azure.
Examen en Certificering
Het is op basis van de behandelde stof mogelijk om naderhand het AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals examen te doen (één examen inbegrepen).
Voor wie is de Microsoft Azure Fundamentals training geschikt?
Deze training is bedoeld voor professionals die de uitrol, configuratie en het beheer van services en virtuele machines (VM's) met behulp van Azure willen kunnen beoordelen. Zoals bijvoorbeeld:
Ontwikkelaars die het creëren van Azure oplossingen willen kunnen beoordelen
Windows Server administrators die de migratie van Active Directory rollen en services vanaf een fysieke locatie naar de cloud willen kunnen beoordelen
IT professionals die het gebruik van Azure om websites en de back-end services van mobiele applicaties te hosten willen kunnen beoordelen
Database administrators die het gebruik van Azure om SQL databases te hosten willen kunnen beoordelen
Daarnaast is deze training geschikt voor professionals die de AZ-104, AZ-500 of AZ-303 & AZ-304 Azure trainingen willen volgen maar daarvoor nog niet over de juiste voorkennis beschikken.
Duur training
1 dag
Globale inhoud
Module 1: Describe Core Azure Concepts
- Introduction to Azure fundamentals
- Discuss Azure fundamental concepts
- Describe core Azure architectural components
Module 2: Describe Core Azure Services
- Explore Azure database and analytics services
- Explore Azure compute services
- Explore Azure Storage services
- Explore Azure networking services
Module 3: Describe Core Solutions and Management Tools on Azure
- Choose the best AI service for your needs
- Choose the best tools to help organizations build better solutions
- Choose the best monitoring service for visibility, insight, and outage mitigation
- Choose the best tools for managing and configuring your Azure environment
- Choose the best Azure serverless technology for your business scenario
- Choose the best Azure IoT service for your application
Module 4: Describe General Security and Network Security features
- Protect against security threats on Azure
- Secure network connectivity on Azure
Module 5: Describe Identity, Governance, Privacy and Compliance Features
- Secure access to your applications by using Azure identity services
- Build a cloud governance strategy on Azure
- Examine privacy, compliance, and data protection standards on Azure
Module 6: Describe Azure Cost Management and Service Level Agreements
- Plan and manage your Azure costs
- Choose the right Azure services by examining SLAs and service lifecycle
Rooster komende maanden:
Datum | 11 - 12 november 2024 | inschrijven |
Locatie | Veenendaal & Live Online | |
Datum | 17 - 18 maart 2025 | inschrijven |
Locatie | Veenendaal & Live Online | |
Datum | 26 - 27 mei 2025 | inschrijven |
Locatie | Veenendaal & Live Online | |
Datum | In overleg | inschrijven |
Locatie | Veenendaal | |
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