SISE training - Implementing Cisco Identity Service Engine Secure Solutions v3.0

De Implementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (SISE) v3.0 training leert hoe je de Cisco® Identity Services Engine (ISE) v2.4 kunt uitrollen en gebruiken. ISE is een identity en access control policy platform dat de levering van een consistente en zeer veilige toegangscontrole over bedrade, draadloze en VPN verbindingen vereenvoudigt. Deze hands-on training geeft je de kennis en vaardigheden om Cisco ISE te implementeren en gebruiken inclusief policy enforcement, profiling services, web authenticatie en toegangsdiensten voor gasten, BYOD, endpoint compliance services en TACACS+ apparaatbeheer. 

Onze ervaren instructeur begeleidt je met behulp van waarheidsgetrouwe hands-on labs waarin je leert hoe je Cisco ISE kunt gebruiken om zichtbaar te krijgen wat er gebeurt op het netwerk, security policy management kunt stroomlijnen en bij kunt dragen aan operationele efficiency. 

Wat kan ik na deze training?

  • Describe Cisco ISE deployments, including core deployment components and how they interact to create a cohesive security architecture. Describe the advantages of such a deployment and how each Cisco ISE capability contributes to these advantages.
  • Describe concepts and configure components related to 802.1X and MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) authentication, identity management, and certificate services.
  • Describe how Cisco ISE policy sets are used to implement authentication and authorization, and how to leverage this capability to meet the needs of your organization.
  • Describe third-party network access devices (NADs), Cisco TrustSec®, and Easy Connect.
  • Describe and configure web authentication, processes, operation, and guest services, including guest access components and various guest access scenarios.
  • Describe and configure Cisco ISE profiling services, and understand how to monitor these services to enhance your situational awareness about network-connected endpoints. Describe best practices for deploying this profiler service in your specific environment.
  • Describe BYOD challenges, solutions, processes, and portals. Configure a BYOD solution, and describe the relationship between BYOD processes and their related configuration components.
  • Describe and configure various certificates related to a BYOD solution.
  • Describe the value of the My Devices portal and how to configure this portal.
  • Describe endpoint compliance, compliance components, posture agents, posture deployment and licensing, and the posture service in Cisco ISE.
  • Describe and configure TACACS+ device administration using Cisco ISE, including command sets, profiles, and policy sets. Understand the role of TACACS+ within the authentication, authentication, and accounting (AAA) framework and the differences between the RADIUS and TACACS+ protocols.
  • Migrate TACACS+ functionality from Cisco Secure Access Control System (ACS) to Cisco ISE, using a migration tool.

Voor wie is de Cisco SISE training geschikt?

  • Netwerkbeveiligers
  • ISE beheerders
  • Beveiligers van draadloze netwerken
  • Cisco integrators en partners
  • Iedereen die betrokken is bij de uitrol en het beheer van het Cisco ISE platform

Gewenste voorkennis

  • Bij voorkeur in het bezit van een CCNA Security certificering (= ICND 1 + IINS of CCNA + IINS)
  • Je bent bekend met 802.1X, de Cisco AnyConnect® Secure Mobility Client en Microsoft Windows en Active Directory
  • Je bent bekend met de Cisco IOS® Software command-line interface (CLI)

Duur training

5 dagen 

Globale inhoud

  • Module 1: Introducing Cisco ISE Architecture and Deployment
  • Module 2: Cisco ISE Policy Enforcement
  • Module 3: Web Auth and Guest Services
  • Module 4: Cisco ISE Profiler
  • Module 5: Cisco ISE BYOD
  • Module 6: Cisco ISE Endpoint Compliance Services
  • Module 7: Working with Network Access Devices

Rooster komende maanden:

DatumIn overleginschrijven
Datum21 - 25 september 2020inschrijven

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