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CCSA training - Check Point Security Administrator R81.1

Deze Check Point Security Administrator (CCSA) training leert je alle benodigde kennis en vaardigheden om de dagelijkse activiteiten van Check Point Security Gateway en Management Software Blades-systemen op het GAiA-besturingssysteem op te kunnen starten, te configureren en te beheren.

Wat kan ik na deze training?

• Describe the key elements of Check Point’s unified, secure management architecture.
• Interpret the concept of a firewall and understand the mechanisms used for controlling network traffic.
• Recognize SmartConsole features and functions.
• Understand Check Point deployment options.
• Describe the basic functions of the Gaia OS.
• Describe the elements of a unified security policy.
• Understand how traffic inspection takes place in a unified security policy.
• Summarize how administration roles and permissions assist in managing policy.
• Implement Check Point backup techniques.
• Recognize Check Point Security Solutions and Products and how they work to protect your network.
• Understand licensing and contract requirements for Check Point security products.
• Identify tools designed to monitor data, determine threats and recognize opportunities for performance improvements.
• Identify tools designed to respond quickly and efficiently to changes in gateways, tunnels, remote users and traffic flow patterns or security activities.
• Understand Site-to-Site and Remote Access VPN deployments and VPN communities.
• Understand how to analyze and interpret VPN tunnel traffic.
• Recognize how to define users and user groups.
• Manage user access for internal and external users.
• Understand the basic concepts of ClusterXL technology and its advantages.
• Understand how to perform periodic administrator tasks as specified in administrator job descriptions.

Voor wie is de CCSA training geschikt?

Deze training is ontwikkeld voor IT professionals die Check Point Software Blades ondersteunen, installeren, inrichten of beheren. Voor deelname is het belangrijk dat je over de volgende kennis beschikt:

• Algemene kennis van TCP/IP
• Werkervaring met Windows en/of UNIX, IT netwerken en internet


Deze training geldt als officiële voorbereiding op het Check Point Certified Security Administrator R80 examen.

Duur training

3 dagen

Globale inhoud

• Introduction to Check Point Technology
• Security Policy Management
• Check Point Security Solutions and Licensing
• Traffic Visibility
• Basic Concepts of VPN
• Managing User Access
• Working with ClusterXL
• Administrator Task Implementation

Lab oefeningen

• Defining roles and users in Gaia Portal
• Installing and navigating SmartConsole
• Configuring objects, rules, and settings to define a Security Policy
• Publishing database changes
• Installing and managing a remote Security Gateway
• Performing Hide and Static Network Address Translation
• Configuring Application Control and URL filtering Access Control policy layers.
• Working with multiple concurrent Administrators and testing permissions profiles.
• Working with Check Point licenses
• Viewing and maintaining logs
• Configuring a Virtual Private Network
• Providing User Access
• Working with Check Point clustering
• Producing Check Point reports

Deze training wordt verzorgd door een geaccrediteerde Check Point partneropleider

Rooster komende maanden:

Datum12 - 14 juni 2023inschrijven
LocatieBodegraven / Live Online

Cursisten over deze cursus:

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rhino cloud cloud

Scherpste prijs in slechts 2 stappen

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